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International Test Cricket


With the pending closure of the on-line server I have decided to release information that *may* help in the creation of an independent database editor. All this technique does is provide a facility to remove (and recreate) the encryption layer added to the database to protect the on-line game. The internal database structure will still need to be determined but this was achieved for the original ICC and ICC 2.

Credit for this goes to Shaw Armaz.

Notes provided by Shaw Armaz

Here's some details on how to encrypt the database.

First of all, a couple of disclaimers:

  1. The technique actually calls code in the product to do the decryption and encryption, so it needs the product to be installed to run.
  2. This is rather embarrassing, but recently I got in an overzealous disk cleanup mode, and erased the C++ source code corresponding to this technique. All I'm left with is the knowledge of how I did it, and the final tool.

How To Do It:

The cricket program is written in C++/MFC. The program reads and writes the database through a single C++ class, called CrEncryptedSerialize, that does the encryption/decryption. This class is implemented in a DLL called global.dll (found in the program directory). Because the main program needs to use this class, the class is exposed as a set of exports from this DLL. This being C++, all the exported method names include information about what parameters they take. So, by dynamically loading this DLL, and calling the right exports, you can access this same functionality.

The Program:

Below is a downloadable ZIP containing a file called convdb.exe, which uses this technique to decrypt and encrypt the file. To use it, you'll need to drop it into your cricket game directory. Then, run

    convdb -d encrypted_db decrypted_db

where encrypted_db is one of the db files (e.g. datap.db), and decrypted_db is some filename you choose. The tool will create a decrypted version of the database. When you're done, you can call

    convdb -e decrypted_db encrypted_db

to re-encrypt the file into the format the program uses.

I also found that running this on one of the .db files in the scenario directory makes it easier to figure out the decrypted format, because there are fewer players. But, as I said, I haven't got any patience for that sort of thing!

Good luck!

Download convdb [7Kb]
*Note* it appears this program requires run time debug DLLs provided with Visual Studio.NET so don't download unless you have Visual Studio.NET installed.

Revised: Saturday, 16 March 2013.
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