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Cricket Player Manager is a Shareware game for Windows 9x/NT by Andrew Banson. Once you start the game you find it is again a bit different from the norm in that rather than playing a cricket match you are in charge of just one person. The gameplay is quite simplistic. You can train (costs money), visit the doctor (costs money), buy a bat (costs money) or play your next match. Each match you wear out your bat a bit more, get a bit less fit and hopefully score a lot of runs. There are some random events like sponsors paying you, injuries, etc. The game is over when you retire or more likely run out of money. There are also records kept of the best players. The latest version of Cricket Player Manager (v4) is now Shareware again and the good news is it is now a standalone .EXE and no longer an ActiveX control. The bad news is that it insists on being installed to the C:\ directory which is very bad practice. New Features
Reviews Downloads Cricket Player Manager v4 455Kb from CricketWeb.net. Updated 2 October 2000. Feedback Send feedback about Cricket Player Manager. Hints Cheats Links Cricket Player Manager homepage. Screenshots
Saturday, 16 March 2013. |